Wireless Broadband Features and Benefits
Canopy is affordable:
Canopy operates in the unlicensed 5GHz U-NII band, so there's no need for spectrum acquisition or site licensing. And, because Canopy is wireless, there's no need to go through existing phone or cable network. Canopy closes the gap between the cost of dial-up and broadband access, making the decision to switch easy for everyone.
Canopy is easy to install and operate:
Its simple network design makes it easy to install. And, with Canopy's small cells, there is no need for coordination, so a single-site Canopy system can begin serving a surrounding two-mile community right away. What's more, Canopy AP Units include all the user authorization, network management, and diagnostic capabilities you need to remotely control and monitor your network.
Canopy is flexible:
Canopy can be adopted to serve the needs of many customer communities. The Point-to-Multipoint application can deliver service to homes or small businesses - or serve as a dedicated data link for small business applications. Canopy can also provide a remote link to our Pan-Tilt-Zoom IP cameras and can be powered off solar and/or wind systems!
Canopy is scalable:
Intelligent protocols make deployment and operation of large wireless networks easy and cost effective. Canopy is scalable to accommodate changing needs, wider geographical areas, larger populations and higher traffic volumes. Further, adding additional transceivers increases capacity without interference.
Canopy is fast:
Canopy offers the affordable, high-speed Internet connection your customers have been waiting for. Canopy upload and download speeds are as fast or faster than dial-up, ISDN, DSL, MMDS, cable or satellite access.
Canopy delivers outstanding performance:
Canopy's proprietary modulation scheme improves the quality of data delivery and mitigates interference from other systems, so data delivery with Canopy is very reliable.
Canopy is secure:
Canopy offers security with over-the-air encryption, which scrambles data bits and prevents interception.

» See wireless broadband overview.